
Posts Tagged ‘nw media’

In the article Media Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom by Nielsen, five steps are outlined as a process for teaching historical media literacy in a social studies class. I chose to look at this article because it addresses media literacy in a secondary classroom that is one of my secondary teaching areas, SOSE (Studies of Society and the Environment) otherwise known as Social Studies.

Nielsen provides examples such as Hollywood films, YouTube, Netflix and Video Games as varying ways to address content in a social studies classroom. This allows for more engaging learning for students as they are not bound by the traditional textbooks and focus o primary sources.

The five steps are a fantastic idea, guiding teachers how to go about using moving image in their pedagogy. It covers all bases from how to pick an age and content appropriate film to assessing students level of critical engagement with the film highlighting ways for teachers to track the process of using film to deliver content whilst teaching valuable skills on media literacy without students necessarily realising.

In order to create awareness about this five step process Nielsen could have perhaps discussed the very possible option this system has for being used in other secondary subject areas and the classes. It is a process that can be used across all disciplines successfully combining subject matter with Media Literacy.

I thought the process was a wonderful guide that I will be referring to in my own teaching practice.


1. Nielsen, Greg (2011)Media Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom, Education Digest Vol. 76 Issue 7 pg. 43-45


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